1. Efforts To Reduce Plastic Bottles

HOTEL GRAPHY Nezu is selling tumblers in collaboration with ESTINATE HOTEL Okinawa Naha and Hydro Flask. We encourage you to use your own bottle and fully enjoy an environmentally friendly and free of plastic bottles hotel stay. A water stand is available at the 1F Lounge for all. You can also rent filter-in bottles that can be used within the facility.

What Is Water Stand?
This is a water server directly connected to the water supply that replaces home delivery water servers.
The water server "Water Stand" directly connected to the water supply is highly convenient to use safe and secure drinking water at any time, and an eco-friendly water supply system that does not require transportation or disposable containers. It is supported by corporations and universities that are working to achieve the SDGs.

2. Amenities


Regular Items
・歯ブラシ   ・スリッパ
・Bath Towel   ・Face Towel

・ボディタオル ・ヘアゴム
・ヘアブラシ ・かみそりセット
・紅茶 ・コットンセット


Extra Amenities (Not Free)
・Sleeping set (eye mask and earplugs set) … 220 yen
・HERBS 足裏リリースパック(2枚入り) … 350円など


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our initiatives to preserve the environment.

